Impact Reports

Here are detailed impact reports for the recent projects undertaken by Pega and Friends Foundation:

### 1. Ijamido Children’s Home, Lagos
**Objective:** To provide educational support and basic necessities for children in need.
– Provided school supplies and uniforms to over 50 children.
– Organized workshops on life skills, enhancing the children’s personal development.
– Fostered a nurturing environment through regular mentorship sessions, boosting the children’s self-esteem.

### 2. Stella Obasanjo Motherless Children Home, Abeokuta
**Objective:** To improve the quality of life and education for children at the home.
– Delivered educational resources, including books and learning materials, to support the academic growth of 40 children.
– Hosted monthly recreational activities, promoting social interaction and emotional well-being.
– Established a mentorship program connecting volunteers with children, fostering relationships that enhance personal development.

### 3. Ibadan Home for Motherless Babies, Oyo State
**Objective:** To ensure proper nutrition and medical care for vulnerable infants.
– Provided essential supplies, including diapers, baby formula, and hygiene products, benefiting over 30 infants.
– Partnered with local healthcare providers for regular health check-ups, improving infant health outcomes.
– Trained caregivers on best practices in infant care and development.

### 4. Nigerian Prisons Service – Agodi Prisons, Ibadan
**Objective:** To implement vocational training programs for inmates.
– Conducted workshops on various skills, including tailoring and carpentry, benefiting over 100 inmates.
– Collaborated with local businesses to facilitate job placements for released inmates, aiding their reintegration into society.
– Raised awareness on the importance of rehabilitation over punishment among prison staff.

### 5. Nigerian Prisons Service – Ilaro Prisons, Ogun State
**Objective:** To improve the living conditions and well-being of inmates.
– Organized health awareness programs that reached over 200 inmates, focusing on hygiene and disease prevention.
– Distributed hygiene kits, ensuring improved sanitary conditions within the prison.
– Established support groups for inmates to discuss mental health and coping strategies.

### 6. Students with Special Needs – Primary School, Ilaro
**Objective:** To enhance learning opportunities for students with disabilities.
– Provided specialized learning materials and assistive technology for 50 students.
– Conducted training sessions for 20 teachers on inclusive education practices.
– Organized awareness campaigns within the community to promote acceptance and understanding of disabilities.

### 7. Students with Special Needs – Egbado College, Ilaro
**Objective:** To promote inclusivity within the educational framework.
– Implemented accessibility measures within the school, benefiting over 100 students with disabilities.
– Launched peer mentoring programs that fostered collaboration and support among students.
– Developed partnerships with local organizations to provide ongoing support for special needs programs.

### 8. Yewa North Primary School, Ebute
**Objective:** To improve educational facilities and resources for local students.
– Upgraded classroom infrastructure, impacting over 300 students.
– Provided educational materials, including textbooks and stationery, to all enrolled students.
– Initiated after-school tutoring programs, helping struggling students improve their academic performance.

### 9. United African Methodist Church School, Eleja Pahayi
**Objective:** To enhance school infrastructure and resources.
– Improved facilities in both School 1 and 2, benefiting over 200 students.
– Provided training for teachers on modern teaching methodologies.
– Organized community engagement activities that encouraged parental involvement in education.

### 10. Community Primary School, Olorunsogo, Ifo Local Government
**Objective:** To upgrade school facilities and promote quality education.
– Renovated classrooms, impacting over 250 students.
– Developed a library resource center, enhancing learning opportunities.
– Conducted teacher training workshops, improving instructional quality.

### 11. Obada Market, Ilaro
**Objective:** To promote health and wellness among community members.
– Organized health fairs that provided free medical screenings to over 500 market vendors and residents.
– Distributed health education materials on nutrition and hygiene.
– Fostered partnerships with local health providers for ongoing health services.

### 12. Foundation Support for Hospital Bills of Triplets
**Objective:** To ensure access to necessary healthcare for vulnerable infants.
– Funded medical expenses, enabling the triplets to receive essential surgeries and treatments.
– Provided ongoing support for the family, including counseling and resources for infant care.
– Raised community awareness about the challenges faced by families with multiple births.

### 13. Support for Medical Bills of Olaibi Dorcas
**Objective:** To assist with medical costs for a child with a congenital heart defect.
– Covered medical expenses, ensuring Olaibi received life-saving surgeries.
– Engaged the community in fundraising efforts, raising awareness about congenital heart defects.
– Provided emotional and psychological support to the family during the treatment process.

These impact reports highlight Pega and Friends Foundation’s commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of children and communities across Nigeria, showcasing the tangible benefits of their projects.

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